This Morning...
This morning I cried tears of joy and also felt some remorse, as I will explain.
As said in John 7, whoever believes in me, streams of living water will flow from within him; meaning the Holy Spirit.
I first felt the spirit through those who were before me and it flows not from them, but from God. So that whatever good we do is from God, who is the fount of every blessing.
And He blessed me, and through me, others. All equally blessed. But through all of us He did a powerful thing and many will feel His blessing through us.
But, we have to always remember to give Him the glory. So, like Paul in Romans 7, when I do good, it is God working through me.
Further, I only intend to do good, but sin and pride still have a remnant in me and thus, when I do wrong, it is not me, but sin living within me that does it.
Wretched person that I am; what can save me from myself? Thank God, through Jesus Christ!
I have read these passages in Romans 7 so often that my Bibles are full of underlined and highlighted passages. Oh, and I need them so much! For sin still dwells in our fleshly bodies, and we seem to never be able to suppress it enough.
Father God! Forgive me my worldly pride! Bring me back to walking in the Spirit! Crush me like grapes are crushed for wine! And the rest is sifted out and thrown away. Refine me in your crucible like silver, by fire. And scrape off my dross and cast it away!
Make me fit for you; give me humble tasks and bow my head till I only glorify your name. Amen.
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